"Because of Christ, [we are] a sweet fragrance to God, in those being saved, and in those being lost
(2 Corinthians 2:15; Young's Literal Translation)"
The inspiration for ÌDÙNNÚ is gotten from the above scripture which describes a sweet fragrance found in Believers as a result of the new life in Jesus Christ.
Here, life issues are dissected from a Christocentric lens using a story-telling approach. All views presented are informed from the understanding of the Bible and the end goal is to encourage you to search the scriptures, and "see whether what we say is true" (Acts 17:11). You can expect coverage on a variety of subjects relevant to everyday Christian life and living, targeted primarily to a young adult audience; although those of every age will find a gem or two from here.
We pray that as you go through this platform, some of the sweet fragrance of Christ will rub off on you - whatever stage you are on your life journey.